Tested Platforms ✨​

Our technological knowledge barns—a hands-on safe space for learning and experimentation.

We aim to test and explore all possibilities of relevant CRM platforms or software with CRM-like features available in the market, creating content in the format of training, articles, and posts, and when possible, showing you a "demo", a real-life application if there is a customer-facing interface (in most cases, marketing or portal solutions).

The idea is to walk you through the solution, and through our curated and authorial content, to invite you to learn, test, and apply it to your business—whether you are just starting or you already own a small business in need of a touch of technology allowing you to work smarter.

Our priority is to craft and create relevant content for you, meaning we will choose technologies based on value for money or free tools that solve real business problems even with paywall limitations—mostly around automation— but still empower businesses to solve their problems working smarter.

Check out our technological knowledge barns!

These are the platforms we have either already tested or are in our queue for testing, and will become learning content available for you 🌱✨ 🚜.

If there are any platforms you would like us to prioritize, please vote here.

CRM Segments:


Free Version Available Sales & Operation Marketing Customer Service

HubSpot is an integrated customer relationship management platform. It helps you manage contacts, track interactions, and organize sales processes. And we will showcase here the freemium version.


Public Forums

View Content Marketing (CMS) Solution ↗️


Paid Sales & Operation Marketing Customer Service

Coming soon.


Free Version Available Sales & Operation

Coming soon.


Free Version Available Sales & OperationMarketing Customer Service Digital Commerce

Coming soon.


Paid  Sales & OperationMarketing

Customer Service Digital Commerce

Coming soon.


Paid  Sales & OperationMarketing

Customer Service

Coming soon.


Paid  Sales & OperationMarketing

Customer Service

Coming soon.


Paid  Marketing

Coming soon.


Paid  Marketing

Coming soon.


Free Version Available Sales & OperationMarketing Customer Service Digital Commerce

Coming soon.


Paid  Sales & Operation Customer Service

Coming soon.


Paid  Sales & OperationMarketing

Customer Service

Coming soon.


Paid  Sales & OperationMarketing

Customer Service

Coming soon.


Free Version Available Sales & Operation

Coming soon.


Paid  Sales & OperationMarketing

Customer Service

Coming soon.


Free Version Available Sales & OperationMarketing Customer Service

Coming soon.


Paid  Sales & OperationMarketing

Coming soon.

Help us to prioritize the next platform tests.

Which platform do you want to see next?

Submit your ideas and help us prioritize the next releases.